Baby routine 6 month to 9 months: our daily schedule

by Monica Magan

The six month mark is always a tricky one especially if you’re in a routine and then choose to wean; it’s introducing a major long term change to baby’s routine. Here I walk through the baby routine, 6 months -9 months, I used and how I managed the slow introduction of 3 meals to baby. 

To note: the timings were never set in stone – it would all depend on the time our day started – give or take 15 minutes of the below. This is an example based on our regular patterns and what worked for us.

Another note: We were in lockdown and so not a lot of factors ever broke our routine, but I really encourage choosing to do things that break routine sometimes. The few times our routine was out of sync during those younger months, I was nervous and dreaded it but was so glad we did it. Baby got more experiences, I got out, and baby ended up sleeping better! It was win-win-win. I’m looking forward to doing it more with baby number 2 🙂

Start timeRoutineDetails
7:00Wake, nappy change, milk feed, playIn this order. I breastfed until 9 months so I fed her while laying in bed and then let her play/kick about while I had a lay in
8:30Breakfast Usually porridge (sometimes with pureed fruit) When weaning I started by introducing breakfast – it was a no brainer for me as morning was when baby would be most hungry but most settled to introduce a change. I did breakfast only for a few days and then introduced dinner as well. 
9:00Brush teeth, playMyla got her first tooth at 4 months so we started brushing as soon as that came throughThis play time would usually be some playmat time or tummy time on me 
9:15Naptime (in cot)The naptime routine we did majority of the time is: blinds shut/light off, sleep bag on, comforter to baby, white noise on, cuddle, lullaby and then down in cot (basically a shortened version of bedtime routine)
10:45 Wake, top & tail, dressed, playI used this playtime for a more structured activity that I’d plan 
11:30Milk feed/LunchI kept this as a milk feed for the first week of weaning and then introduced solid lunch. Solids would be a veggie filled puree – I tried to keep the protein and root veg at lunch as they caused most tummy upset/wind in baby
13:00Naptime (in cot)This is usually a long nap
15:00Wake, nappy change, milk feed
16:0020-30 min walk In pram or carrier – also a chance for baby to sleep a bit extra if tired or the 1pm nap wasn’t as long as normal
17:00DinnerA carby/veg loaded puree with a some fruit 
18:00Milk, bath time, oil/lotion massage, milk, story timeWe split feed the milk before and after bath to make sure baby was settled before bathTry to keep bedtime routine as calm as possible
19:00Bedtime Sleep bag on, cuddle, lullaby and down in cot

Hope this baby routine helps you with that big 6 month milestone or getting used to a new routine! Mostly it’s all about going with what you think is right and baby’s signs/signals.

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