Weaning: baby led vs puréed…why not choose both?! 

by Monica Magan

I got so excited for the weaning stage for both kids and couldn’t wait to see what they enjoyed and watch them make a mess! Disclaimer – I completely flipped 180 when the time came and hated the mess but that’s another story 🙂 

In this post I share my tips for weaning and a 4 week meal plan. 

While I was excited, I was so confused about what I should / shouldn’t offer the first time. There is so much info out there about how to “raise a non-fussy eater” or “making sure your baby learns to chew” etc etc – it got me so worried and looking back I thought about it way too much. For my second, I was much more confident with how to go about weaning and way more relaxed with the whole process, and typically to date he is such a “good eater” – by good eater I mean he will always try whatever I put in front of him. Like any child and adult really he won’t eat loads of food he doesn’t like (there is probably a handful of foods he doesn’t like though), but if he likes something he can go through a hell of a lot of it.

Both times of weaning I know I wanted to offer a diversity of foods and keep a nice balanced diet. In all honesty the main ways I did this was to 1. make sure I had different colour food each day and 2. Mix it up between fruit and veg…fairly simple right! I really enjoyed feeding both with purees. It was a nice bonding session for me and for my husband when he fed them – it was so fun to see their reactions to some of the purees too! But at the same time I wanted them to get some experience with grabbing/holding/bringing to the mouth, so most of the time I offered puree as well as left some whole foods. See my weaning plan below for examples. 

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Some tips and tricks that really helped us during the phases of introducing new foods: 

  • Wait until they’re ready, don’t rush the process!
    • Make sure they can sit up comfortably in a highchair/seat
    • They might be showing an interest in food (possibly eyeing up your plate while you eat!)
  • Keep things calm and relaxed. We used to play some chill music, I still do this alot of the time when I feel like the kids could do with some calming down at meal times. 
  • Safety! When introducing solids ensure the food is large, soft and easy to hold. You should be able to easily squash it with your thumb and forefinger. For things like carrot and potato – I made sticks and made sure it was dry so it was easy to grab. For more slippy foods like banana or avocado, I coated the bottom half of wedges in ground cheerios to make it easy to grip 
  • Be patient; it’s a gradual process. It can be a bit disheartening when they initially reject something but I found that when I offered rejected food another time or third time they went for it! And even if they don’t, it’s fine, try not to put pressure or expectation on the process. 
  • Be mindful of what foods you give at what time of day – for example avoid fruits or fibre heavy foods in the late afternoon (I found these did not help with sleep!). I found both of mine slept so much better once they started on solids and I quickly realised which foods I should avoid for dinner to help get a good night’s sleep 🙂  
  • I saw a lot of advice to introduce common allergenic foods (peanuts, fish, eggs, dairy etc) one at a time – so I did one every other day over a week and watched carefully for any reactions.
  • Remember that milk is still their main source of nutrition until 1 years old! So please try not to worry about how much food they are eating. 

So here’s my guide to successful weaning and a 4 week full meal plan

Week 1: Start with breakfast – baby porridge only to give little one experience of something other than milk

Week 2: Introduce a second meal (ideally late afternoon). Single ingredient puree and whole foods. Stick to veg only 

Week 3: Breakfast and late afternoon meal, milk as usual. Introduce mixed purees and whole foods. Start to intro fruits 

Week 4: Breakfast and late afternoon meal, milk as usual. Start to intro different textured foods, e.g. toast, egg, tofu, fish, pasta

Week 5 and beyond: Breakfast, lunch and dinner, milk as required. Increase the amount of whole foods offered (things like baby friendly veggie fritters /  pancakes – see my recipes for ideas)

4 week meal plan

Day BreakfastSecond meal
1Baby porridge
2Baby porridge
3Baby porridge
4Baby porridge
5Baby porridge
6Baby porridge
7Baby porridge
8Baby porridgePureed broccoli with 2-3 whole pieces
9Baby porridgePureed potato with 1 wedge 
10Baby porridgePureed avocado with 1-2 wedges
11Baby porridgePureed cauliflower
12Baby porridgePureed peas
13Baby porridgePureed Aubergine
14Baby porridgePureed carrot with carrot sticks 
15Baby porridge with pear pureeMashed butternut squash 
16Soft oat pancakesPureed broccoli and peas
17Baby porridgePureed carrot and mango
18Baby porridge with mash bananaPureed potatoes and cauliflower 
19Baby porridgePureed sweet potato
20Toast fingersPureed spinach and pear
21Baby porridgeMashed potato
22Baby porridgeToast with little peanut butter
23Baby porridge with blueberry pureeSteam broccoli with boiled fusilli pasta
24Scrambled eggSoft apple slice
25Baby porridgeMash potato and carrot  
26Baby porridge with pear puree Rice with yoghurt or butter 
27Baby porridgeSteam broccoli and carrot sticks 
28Baby porridgePan fried fish

Some example week 5 foods: 

  • Courgette (zucchini) fritters
  • Baby friendly lentil and rice 
  • Mash potato with fish 
  • Baby pasta with butternut squash sauce and cheese 
  • Eggy bread (french toast) with sliced strawberries 

I hope this helps you to kick start your littles one’s weaning journey. Enjoy introducing your little one to the exciting world of flavors and textures…happy weaning!


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