As the excitement and anticipation of childbirth grow, one important task to tackle is preparing your hospital bag. I remember packing my hospital bag so early on (I think by March and I was due end of May!), because I was constantly anxious about going into labour. My thoughts were that having a well-packed bag will make the labour and delivery experience most comfortable and stress-free. Of course this is not what truly determines what our experience will be, but at least in my mind I was as ready as I could be and had everything I needed at the time.
Here I talk through the items I found most important in my hospital bag, and what you’ll need to be well-prepared for the big day.
- Loose, comfortable clothing: I took a thin nightgown, x2 button down nighties and a few flowy dresses. The button down nightie was so good when it came to labour as it was easy to lift up / remove and for the nurses to work around when they needed to check blood pressure/monitor the baby/check dilation. They were also perfect for when attempting breastfeeding. My hospital room was really hot so I was super grateful that I chose thin fabrics
- Toiletries: You’ll need the usuals like toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, face care. But don’t forget LIP BALM – you 100% will need this. You may also want to pack extra hair ties. Birth specific items I took and used: Maternity disposable briefs, portable bidet/perineal bottle, breast pads
- Snacks and water bottle: I don’t remember having anything to eat or drink during labour but I remember being SO SO thirsty after. A refillable water bottle also meant I didn’t have to keep getting up for water. I didn’t really feel that hungry after but I did have a snack bar to keep my energy up and help with breastfeeding. I had a whole bag of snacks like granola bars, nuts, hula-hoops, chocolate and dried fruit, to make sure I had what I fancied at the time 🙂 Clearly I don’t mess around when it comes to snacks.
- TENS machine: NEED…MUST…TAKE. If you learn to use this properly – a TENS machine is incredible during contraction pains. I strongly believe this is what got me through medication free labour enabling me to only use gas and air so I could stay on the birthing centre ward to have a water birth.
- Entertainment: With my first I was unexpectedly in the hospital for 6 days so I was so glad that I had some series downloaded, a book to read, crosswords to do and MUSIC <3 I was given the apple airpods and they were a godsend – my music got me through labour, it calmed me, it got me focussed and distracted me at the same time. Remember to pack all the chargers you need to and make sure your electronics don’t run out of juice
- Birthing plan / update your healthcare app: I’ll be completely honest here…my birthing plan went completely out the window when I was told I’d have to be induced with baby being monitored throughout the birth, however it was nice that the midwives all had my notes to help create the environment I wanted around me. They kept the lights low when possible, reminded me (well my husband) to set-up the camera to record when I was ready to deliver, recommended the best positions to sit in while pushing as I stated that I wasn’t sure what was comfortable for me and they prompted for my husband to cut the cord – something we both wanted. All in all, it made it very comforting to know that we were all on the same page 🙂
- Comfort things: some personal items that provide comfort, for me it was fluffy socks and an old cosy hoody. A lot of people take their own pillow and blanket.
- Things for baby: I just assumed that I’d be able to breastfeed straight away so didn’t consider taking formula. I wasn’t able to and so the second time around I made sure I had it with me. Baby vest, grow, nappies, wipes, nappy bags and blanket. I packed 3 of everything.
- Camera / video recorder / iphone stand: We filmed both our births and I am forever grateful I have this. At the time it’s all a bit of a blur and feels like it flies by so it’s priceless that I have it to watch back.
- Going-home outfit: For you and for baby: I made sure I had something super comfy and easy to put on. I wasn’t the most capable of moving much and my back really hurt so a quick slip over the head dress was perfect. It was big and stretchy so perfect to make me feel cool and still dressed up
I hope this little list help you to be better equipped to focus on the excitement of welcoming your newborn into the world. Take the time to pack thoughtfully and enjoy the journey ahead!